Shore Temple - Mahabalipuram – About, History Structure and Interesting Facts.

 Shore Temple – About, History Structure and Interesting Facts.

Aerial View of Shore Temple - Mahabalipuram, Tamil Nadu


Shore Temple is one of the most popular temples in Mahabalipuram. This temple was built by King Nirasimhavarman II, a king of the Pallava dynasty. It was built between 700AD-728AD. It is located in Mahabalipuram, about 60 kilometers south of Chennai, in Tamil Nadu, India. The temple is dedicated to Lord Shiva and Lord Vishnu as it was a busy port during the reign of Narasimhavarman II. It has two temples dedicated to Vishnu and Shiva, facing east and west but the main temple is dedicated to Lord Shiva.

Shore Temple Side View 

This temple is a fine example of Dravidian architecture. There are three temples here. There is a temple of Lord Vishnu in the middle with Shiva temples on either side.

For your information, let us tell you that this temple has also been included in the UNESCO World Heritage in 1984.

Shore Temple attracts every visitor to Mahabalipuram. This temple is a symbol of ancient monuments and the sculpture of the temple is a beautiful example of Pallava architecture. Apart from this, the Dravidian architecture of 7-8th centuries is also seen.


The Coast Temple of Mahabalipuram is considered to be one of the oldest temples in South India, dating back to the 8th century. Shore Temple got its name because it overlooks the Bay of Bengal. Mahabalipuram (also known as Mamallapuram) is famous for its coastal temples built in the 7th century, located in the Kancheepuram district of the state of Tamil Nadu. The city of Mahabalipuram was founded by the Pallava king Narasimhavarman II in the 7th century AD. Shore temples have chariot-shaped mandapas or mandapas and chariots or temples carved out of granite rocks.

Temple View, Shivlinga and Scriptures of the temple

The port of Mahabalipuram played a major role in trade during the reign of the Pallava king Narasimha Varman I (630 – 668 AD). The Pallava king Narasimha Varman is known as "Mamallan" and the port is called "Mamallapuram" by his name. In the long run, the word Mamalai has become "Mamallapuram". What we know today as Mahabalipuram.


Shore Mandir is a beautiful five-story rock-structured structure consisting of three scenic temples. This temple is dedicated to Lord Shiva and Sri Hari Vishnu.

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The height of the Shore Temple is about 60 feet which is a pyramidal structure. This scenic temple built in 50 feet square area is a wonderful example of Dravidian architecture and it is one of the most beautiful stone temples in India.

Structure and Design of the Shore Temple

Shore Temple is both a rock cut and a free-standing structural temple. The entire temple is still standing on a naturally occurring granite boulder.

Map of Shore Temple, Mahabalipuram

The Shore Temple is a good example of the first phase of structural temples built in the Dravidian style of architecture by the Pallavas.

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Interesting Facts:-

1.      The Shore temple is a combination of three shrines and there is a small temple in front which was the original porch.

2.      Recent excavations have revealed new structures under the sand.

3.      The word Mamallapuram is derived from 'Mamallan' which means 'Great Warrior'. The word Mamallan was used for the Pallava king Narasimhavarman I.

4.      It was founded by Pallava king Narasimhavarman II between 630-668AD.

5.      The name of Mamallapuram was also changed to Mahabalipuram during the British period.

6.      Shore Temple was built by three generations of Pallava kings and is known for its carvings and bass reliefs.

7.      Five chariots dedicated to the Pandavas and the oldest stone temple in South India.

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