Chandragupta Maurya who was the founder of Maurya Empire, End of Nanda Empire and Raise of Mauryan Empire.

There are uncountable great Hindu Kings and their empires. We are here to update all the information about the top Hindu kings of Bharat.

India is considered one of the most prosperous countries in the world considering its culture, rich heritage, history, rulers, and ruling clans. The country has seen the rule of many rulers, dynasties, empires, emperors, and conquerors over the years. Many people have sacrificed their happiness, wealth, and life for the sake of their people and countrymen. one of his was Chandragupta Maurya.

1. Chandragupta Maurya (340BC-297BC)

Chandragupta Maurya was the founder of the Mauryan Empire ( Reigned 321BC-297BC ) and the first emperor to unify most of India under one administration. Chandragupta received an education in military strategy and aesthetic arts at Taxila (Now in Pakistan). He was mentored by Acharya Chanakya ( Also known as Vishnugupta and Kautilya), a Brahmin statesman and Philosopher. He established a vast centralized empire whose details of functioning, Society, Military, and economy are well preserved in the history of Vishnugupta Chanakya.
Mauryan Empire
India around the 4th century was divided into numerous kingdoms and republics. Most prominent among them was the Magadha kingdom in eastern India, whose rulers began their pursuit of empire-building, starting with King Bimbisara (543–492 BCE). Thus the boundaries of Magadha were greatly expanded over time and included a good part of central, eastern, and north-eastern India. Alexander the Great (356–323 BC) invaded India in 326 BC, and as a result, much of northwestern India was thrown into turmoil and political chaos.

 Chandragupta Maurya was an important figure in the history of India, who laid the foundation of the first state of uniting most of India. Chandragupta, under Chanakya's tutelage, created a new empire based on state principles, built up a large army, and continued to expand the boundaries of his empire until he finally converted it to an ascetic life in his final years. did not give up. not given.

After completing their education in Taxila, Chandragupta and Acharya Chanakya raised an army by recruiting soldiers from many places. Tradition says that while he was sleeping, after a meeting with Alexander the Great, a lion began to lick his body, gently awakening him and giving him the hope of royal honor. On Kautilya's advice, he assembled mercenaries, garnered public support, and ended the Nanda dynasty's autocracy in a bloody battle against the forces led by their commander-in-chief, Bhaddasala.

End of  Nanda Empire

Chanakya finally had the opportunity to put an end to the Nanda empire from Dana Nanda. In fact, he helped Chandragupta Maurya to establish the Mauryan Empire with the sole purpose of destroying the Nanda Empire. Therefore, Chandragupta Maurya made an alliance with king Parvataka, the ruler of the Himalayan region of ancient India, as per Chanakya's advice. with the combined forces of Chandragupta and Parvataka, the Nanda Kingdom was brought to an end around 322BCE.

Rise of the Maurya Empire

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